Installation of road slabs - КАРБОН КНС - професійні послуги із будівництва сонячних електростанцій

Installation of road slabs

Installation of road slabs

Laying of the road slabs in the short term

Road slabs are in great demand in modern construction. They are much cheaper than asphalt, and you can use them to build a temporary access road to the facility quickly. Under proper operation and storage conditions, road slabs can be used repeatedly, which allows laying and changing roads at your own discretion.

Karbon CNS Company is engaged in laying the road slabs of excellent quality at low prices. Our specialists will professionally prepare the surface, lay concrete products by level. The company has experience in creating temporary roads even on soft ground.

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nstallation of slabs has several stages

  • removing of the top layer of soil, leveling the ground, and digging a trench;
  • laying geotextiles that will increase the service life of concrete;
  • the surface is covered with crushed stones or sand with cement;
  • laying of road slabs, tamping, filling of the cracks.

Photo Монтаж дорожных плит

The prices for the installation of road slabs depend on the amount of materials used and preparatory stages. In some cases, the installation of slabs can be simplified to a minimum.

High-quality installation of road slabs by the Karbon CNS Company

Sometimes there is no need to build a full-fledged asphalt road; besides, it may be too expensive. Concrete slabs are a cheap way to create a temporary road in a short time. It can be easily dismantled and moved. Karbon CNS Company is engaged in the installation of road slabs, creating the temporary roads, and installation of fencing of any complexity.