The electricity market of Ukraine is regulated by the current editions of the Laws 575/97-VR "On Electricity", 2019-VIII "On the Electricity Market" and the normative-legal acts based therefrom. According to these documents, private households can install modules that produce electricity from alternative energy sources and sell it to the state at a green tariff.
The electricity market of Ukraine is regulated by the current editions of the Laws 575/97-VR "On Electricity", 2019-VIII "On the Electricity Market" and the normative-legal acts based therefrom. According to these documents, private households can install modules that produce electricity from alternative energy sources and sell it to the state at a green tariff.
The program of stimulation of the growth of alternative energy in Ukraine is in force in 2030.
An authorized state enterprise is a guarantee buyer of electricity at a «green» tariff
This means that you will surely purchase the balances of electricity produced by solar installations under the following conditions:
- You have entered into a contract for connection to the "green" tariff;
- The calculation of electricity is carried out by a special two-way counter;
- The volume of power delivered to the network during the reporting period exceeds the actual consumption of the household;
The cost of «green» kilowatts is calculated at the moment of connection of new capacities and operates till 2030. The basis for the retail price for second-class consumers is valid from January 1, 2009 and is converted into euros. It is converted according to the national currency rate, then multiplied by the actual green tariff rate. By the end of 2019 the rate is 3.36, and then it will decrease till 3.02. That is, 1 kW / h of solar energy produced by a private household during this period is estimated at 18 euro cents.
«Karbon CNS» offers full technical and legal support while connecting to the «green» tariff
Our specialists will design a plant in which all needs for maintaining the local component in the used equipment and works will be calculated.
The special department will prepare a set of documents necessary for connecting the «green» fare to the dossier and forgive it at the appropriate state authorities.
In Ukraine, solar energy has become economically more profitable ecological technology.
Let`s be innovative with us!