According to scientists, the earth’s reserves of hydrocarbons remained at 80-100 years. And this is provided that the rate of consumption of fossil energy resources will not increase.
The cost of solar installations has been substantially reduced over the past 10 years. Many owners of private homes would gladly increase their energy independence with their help.
In order to obtain an electric current under the influence of sunlight in volumes that are significant for the economic sector and households, two technologies have been worked out
The cheapening of solar power generation technologies has become the impetus for the construction of large-scale power plants. The overwhelming majority of them, due to the merger of positive geographical and economic factors, are in the United States. We bring to your attention a list of the largest of them.
The electricity market of Ukraine is regulated by the current editions of the Laws 575/97-VR "On Electricity", 2019-VIII "On the Electricity Market" and the normative-legal acts based therefrom. According to these documents, private households can install modules that produce electricity from alternative energy sources and sell it to the state at a green tariff.
The main cell of solar panels is a semiconductor converter with a photovoltaic effect (photoconductor), which, under the influence of solar radiation, generates a constant electric current.
Caring for ecology is great. However, the potential owners of private solar power systems are not less worried about whether they will be able to redeem the money invested and how fast it will take place. Let’s count together.
The degradation of solar cells or Potential induced degradation (PID) is a decrease in power generation due to physical changes in the structure of the panel itself.
Personal solar power station significantly cheaper over the past five years, but still remains a fairly expensive project.
Ukraine has one of the highest green tariffs in Europe, so the construction of a commercial solar power plant is a profitable investment. The whole process on an object with a capacity of 30 kW on average lasts one year and consists of several stages
Over the past few years, the topic of ecology and zero-waste has become especially popular. In stores, one can meet people with cotton bags, steel cocktail straws are replacing plastic, and reusable bottles are increasingly taking up a place in bags. As eco-ambassadors, we are sharing with you why it is not meaningless but necessary.
It’s not enough a handful of enterprising people to save the planet from environmental collapse. We, as conscious and enterprising citizens, have an interest in educational platforms. But to protect the environment in a more effective way, we need legislative measures.
We can do whatever we want at home – sort out, move the eco-furniture in the right places, and buy bamboo toothbrushes. It’s time to start thinking, how we can influence those areas of the life that are beyond our control – transport, work, walks, and visiting various facilities.
A conscious approach to garbage consists in a desire for making waste recyclable. For this purpose, the waste is sorted, but it does not solve the problem. So that sorting is not meaningless, it is necessary to know which waste cannot be recycled so that its consumption can be reduced.
In the early 70-ies of the XX century, the percentage of air pollution by transport was 10-15%. In the mid-90s, the figure increased to 50-60%. It’s terrible to imagine what is happening there now.
There are plastic bottles, polythene bags, cans, and kitchen waste in our daily routine. People give uneaten food to animals in villages, but what to do with another trash?
Davos is the city in Switzerland where the international economic forum takes place annually and where heads of delegations of different countries reflect the items of ecology and security of the Earth. Davos introduced the alternative for living conditions and provided electric cars for transfer. They conducted a city tour where solar batteries and wind turbine are installed on perimeter. They also demonstrated green areas that were planted without use of the chemical fertilizer.
Population growth in big cities increases times two annually. In some years, more people will need transport, jobs on the industrial enterprises, and food that is grown with the aid of chemical fertilizer. The birth rate and health of the future inhabitants of metropolises depend on the urban environmental conditions. How can humanity prevent this massive disaster?
Pesticides are chemicals used in agriculture and food industries in order to fight against insects, microorganisms, weeds, and cure plants of parasitic diseases.
Forest is the main material resource in building, stationery, pharmacy, and medicine for a human. Nowadays, it’s easy to change the flooring for parquetry, request for a receipt at a bank or buy antibiotic at a drugstore. At the core of Global warming problems is the degradation of ecosystems.
Over the past century, changes in climate are getting more visible. Human activities provoke those fluctuation s in nature, resulting in the erratic weather patterns – drought, floods, severe storms, etc. Those anomalies appear in the areas they should never have been. The challenge of climate change is the prior ecological task of the whole society that should be solved right away.
Scientists have been discussing global warming for several decades already. Climate changes significantly. For example, European countries have been suffering from heat in recent years although before that this anomaly happened five centuries ago. The ecologists have been sounding the alarm for quite some time and claim about radical changes in the environment since both reasons and consequence of the global climate warming are very dismal.
Academic researchers have been watching the changes in the environment for years already. The climate changes and it’s the indisputable fact. Following global warming, global cooling will come. If the World Ocean ecosystem restructures, the freshwater level in it will be decreased. The streams that move along the equator to the poles will weaken that may stop such warm streams as Gulf Stream completely. Thus, global warming leads to global cooling in the European countries and North America first.
The ozone layer is a valuable substrate that serves as a special filter to protect our biosphere and humanity from the direct sunlight. Ozone damage can lead to irreversible consequences for all living organisms. The problem of ozone-layer depletion is very serious since it can increase UV radiation ten times. This, in its turn, will contribute to the deterioration of sight of all species, increasing the amount of skin cancer, pestilence of plankton in the sea, and to the various mutations. A high concentration of ozone in the air is small (0.0001%) but it’s enough to save living organisms UV radiation.
Global climate changes, ozone depletion, cutting down of large areas of woodland and other particular pathologies where people have their fingers in just exacerbate the unhealthy situation in the world. Today, we should work together to save our planet for our children. Don’t you know how to save our planet from pollution? Start with yourself.
“Ukrainian ecological problems” has bee the laziest word combination recently but the solutions are unknown until now for all of us – from the top tier of our government to the ordinary residents of the country. In 2018, the “anti-rating” of the most polluted Ukrainian cities was performed. Dnipro and Mariupol were at the top of it and other 14 areas face serious ecological challenges.
There’s no doubt that the water we use should be pure. Polluted water is the disseminator of many diseases, including hard ones (typhoid, dysentery, cholera, ankylostomiasis, etc.) that might cause irreparable damage to human health. Water is the main source of such human and animal vermin as a tapeworm or lamblia. Unfortunately, polluted water exists even in the economically developed countries that’s why it’s crucial to monitor the major indicators of drinking water quality.
The modern life of our society generates large quantities of contaminations: construction debris, household, and other human waste. The rate of population growth in our planet increases every year and a persisting problem in this context is how to manage waste. Let’s see how to recycle household waste fast and reliably in order to save the environmental ecology (you’ll also learn about how to recycle plastic bags and other PVC products).
It’s crucial to know what Kyoto Protocol is. Actually, it’s one of the steps that lead to the climatic improvements on the whole planet. Kyoto Treaty or Kyoto agreement is the international instrument signed in 1997 by 142 economically developed countries around the globe. It deals with the reduction of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere of our planet that is the main factor of deterring global warming.
In recent years, the environmental legislation of Ukraine has been dramatically changed. In 2017, Ukraine adopted laws "On Environmental Impact Assessment" and “On Strategic Environmental Assessment”. They came into force in December, the same year and became the “first robin” as a result of the entry into effect of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union.
Any uncontrolled forest fire harms the environment and is a real natural disaster that leads to a disastrous environmental and economic conditions, destroys the ecosystem, leads to the death of people and animals. The most common reason of ignition is a man, but wildland fires can’t be also excluded - they destroy old and sick trees, renewing the flora.
Every year, in autumn and spring, people start burning the grass, litter, and leaves. Thus, because of the non-availability of quick waste removal, the laziness of residents and attempts to cope with the responsibilities quickly, there arise uncontrolled fires that are difficult to put out on your own.
Kiev is considered to be one of the most polluted cities in Ukraine on a par with Dnieper, Odessa, Mariupol and Krivoy Rog, and this is the result of the vehicle exhausts, which make up 90 % of all pollution in the capital.
The capital of Ukraine is considered to be one of the most polluted cities: the amount of vehicle emissions are 90 % of all emissions, and the environmentalists mention formaldehyde, sulfur dioxide, carbon oxide and nitrogen dioxide in their reports.
Since our childhood, we are taught to care about the environment. Any child knows that the trees are the lungs of the planet, which produce oxygen necessary for living organisms during the process of photosynthesis.
The ozone layer depletion, environmental pollution, climate change have triggered the search for renewable energy sources all over the world.
For a couple of weeks now, people living in Ukraine have been complaining about air problems. At the moment, there still remains a smog in Kyiv, although a thick fog has already cleared. According to the available data, the worst situation with air pollution is taking place on the Kharkiv block (134 points). With such indicators, it is better not to ventilate the apartment and not go for a walk in this district. The cleanest districts are: VDNH (6 points), Podil (19 points), as well as Rusanivka (20 points), Osokorky (43 points), Borshchahivka (48 points).
Since 1967, scientists around the world began to raise the issue of reducing the ozone layer. In the mid-80s of the last century, the Britain Antarctic Survey officially recorded a change in ozone saturation of the territory of the base by almost 40%.
Kyiv is a city of chestnuts that attracts by its hospitality and beauty. However, if you take a closer look, you will see it from a completely different perspective, namely, mortally dangerous. There are many facilities here that slowly harm the health of citizens, that is, mountains of garbage, radiation, mercury, exhaust fumes.
A modern industry offers solar and wind power plants for home but not every ordinary consumer can figure out what kind of alternative energy will be more profitable in his case. To understand this, we will try to figure out what advantages and disadvantages the solar panels and wind generators have.
In the present day, a ban on plastic bags in Ukraine is a critical problem that is directly related the ecology. Over the past decade in our country, work has been actively carried out both on behalf of scientists and volunteers on the subject of the fact that the disposal of plastic including plastic bags causes irreparable harm to the environment.
The ecological situation with the water bodies in Kyiv today is so unfortunate that if today we would introduce a complex for their cleaning, the first positive results will be obtained no less than in 5 years.
“A rare bird will reach the middle of the Dnipro river” is a quote from the works of the great Nikolai Gogol which has already become an aphorism. Although since the time when Nikolai Vasilyevich created the imperishable work “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, not so much time has passed on the scale of the whole universe, this period was enough for humanity to “make the legend come true”.
Chernobyl is the place where one of the largest catastrophes of mankind occurred and a huge exclusion zone was formed. It is here that, despite the impossibility of what is happening from the perspective of science, today one can observe absolutely fantastic metamorphoses of nature.
The Lybid River today is one of the most striking examples of how humanity can destroy nature. A beautiful legend, directly related to the foundation of Kyiv, over time, turned into a sad reality. This is because the ecological catastrophe of the Lybid River is already practically irreversible.
The above-zero temperatures in December 2019 is the thermal anomaly that got all the weathermen and ecologists worried. They declare global warming and climate change abetted by human activity, the increase in CO2 emissions, and toxic waste.
The worldwide abnormal warming results from vigorous human activity and industrial development over the past 150 years. Will global warming happen on the planet?
A sharp decline in activity on the Sun might cause the Little Ice Age in 2020 that will last for several decades. NASA representatives and scientists-ecologists from different countries worldwide have attested to this.
Energy is one of the priorities of global industries. Electrical energy is crucial for the efficient operation of enterprises and human life, development of individual regions and entire continents.
Electric cars’ popularity grows every day. All known concerns develop both traditional and advanced battery-powered models.
Today, they are more frequently talking about climate change and associating it with the Gulf Stream temperature and speed which has begun to gradually slow down. Scientists believe that the coming of the small ice age on the Earth in the 1300s is connected with the slowdown of the Gulf Stream.
The whole world speaks of a Swedish schoolgirl, Greta Thunberg, who was not afraid of anyone and did not become silent but decided in 2018 to protest near the parliament building of her country.
Today it is impossible to find a person who does not admire the beauty of the taiga forest, snow-capped mountains or the sea leaving the horizon.
A decade ago, solar power plants were built only in the south of our country. Currently, it is a widespread business developing in almost all regions. Investors, both foreign and domestic, are attracted by high (at “green tariff”) rates
Solar energy is an extremely promising method for obtaining cheap electricity. Countries with a high level of the economy have already predominantly switched to alternative energy production and are actively investing in this technology. The largest solar power plants in the world amaze not only with its scale but also with its budget.