The above-zero temperatures in December 2019 is the thermal anomaly that got all the weathermen and ecologists worried. They declare global warming and climate change abetted by human activity, the increase in CO2 emissions, and toxic waste.
The above-zero temperatures in December 2019 is the thermal anomaly that got all the weathermen and ecologists worried. They declare global warming and climate change abetted by human activity, the increase in CO2 emissions, and toxic waste.
A positive thermal anomaly was recorded over the entire territory of our country. In December, the temperature norm was exceeded by 6–8°С, and even by 10°С in some regions. A history of the flowering of snowdrops and other plants is shown on the eve of the New Year.
This is not the first warm winter since the beginning of the regular meteorological observation. However, in 2019, temperatures soared to triple digits.
Warm Winter – Pros & Cons
In 2019, warm winter relates to planetary climate change. It comes with both advantages and shortcomings. The abnormally high temperature in December allows saving on heating bills. Public utilities spend less budgetary resources on buying reagents, winter service vehicles and activities. The cons are following:
- Weakening of people’s immune system.
- Increase of respiratory problems.
- Muscle tone reduction.
Freezing and snowy weather is very uplifting and it makes people willing to go for a walk. Warm and wet winter, short daylight might result in depression. People start viewing reality passively, seeing dullness around, and getting desperate easily.
Warm winter is nor dangerous for cowslip but thermal anomalies might become fatal for decorative flowering bushes. Rhododendrons and other plants lose resistance to frost and in the future, they can die even in little seasonal variation in temperature. So, don’t wait for severe frost and snowfalls.
Lack of snow cover has a negative impact on the environmental situation that can cause reduced crop yields and low water levels in rivers and artificial reservoirs. To improve the environmental situation, it’s necessary to analyze the reasons for abnormal warming, take account of the recommendations from weathermen and ecologists.
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