The cheapening of solar power generation technologies has become the impetus for the construction of large-scale power plants. The overwhelming majority of them, due to the merger of positive geographical and economic factors, are in the United States. We bring to your attention a list of the largest of them.
The cheapening of solar power generation technologies has become the impetus for the construction of large-scale power plants. The overwhelming majority of them, due to the merger of positive geographical and economic factors, are in the United States. We bring to your attention a list of the largest of them.
10 — Genesis Solar Energy Project in the Mojave Desert, Blythe, California
It was put into operation in April 2014. The average output is 620 MWh per year. Peak power is 250 MW. SPP is a thermoelectric solar plant with parabolic cylindrical heliostats.
9 — California Valley Solar Ranch, San Luis Obispo, California
The launch date is September 2012. The average annual output exceeds 620 MWh per year and 250 MW in peak. Photovoltaic modules with tracking of the position of the sun are used here. The territory is 8 square kilometers.
8 - Solana Generating Station, Gila Bend, Arizona
Began to function in 2013. The annual generation is 650-700 MWh, the peak generation reaches 280 MW. Parabolic cylindrical concentrators feeding steam turbines are used.
7 - Mojave Solar Project, Mojave Desert, Barstow, CA
It was launched on December 1, 2014. The annual output of 617 MWh is provided by a nominal capacity of 280 MW. Thermoelectric conversion is used, the heat-transfer agent is heated by parabolic cylindrical concentrators. The total area is 7 square kilometers.
6 - Agua Caliente Solar Project, Augu-Caliente, Arizona
The construction was completed in March 2013. The annual productivity is 740 MWh with a design capacity of 290 MW. It involved 5 million 200 thousand solar panels, located at 9.71 square km.
5 - Solar Star, Rosamond, CA
Completed in June 2015. The annual output is 1,664 GWh, which is provided by the operation of two independent units of 747 and 579 MW. To master this power, it took 13 square kilometers, where 1.7 million solar photovoltaic modules were located.
4 - Solar Energy Generating Systems, Mojave Desert, California
The complex was laid in 1983. The last, ninth block, launched in 2014. Power in the peak is 354 MW. It is difficult to calculate the annual performance correctly, since the blocks were not started immediately and periodically stop for maintenance. Solar thermal energy is used, directed by parabolic-cylindrical concentrators.
3 - Solar thermal power plant of Ayvans, San Bernardino, CA
In operation - since February 13, 2014. The peak power for solar energy is 392 MW. STPP is a solar thermal installation of a tower type.
2 - Desert Sunlight Solar Farm, Mojave, Riverside, CA
Construction finished in 2015. With a peak generation of 550 MW, it could become the most powerful in the world, but the complex consists of two independent blocks, so it holds the second position fairly. At 16 square kilometers there are 8.8 million thin-film modules based on cadmium telluride.
1 - Topaz Solar Farm, San Luis, California
Completed in 2014, after which it reached an annual capacity of 1.268 GWh with a peak output of 550 MW, which determined its leadership in the world list of solar power plants. Total occupied territory is 25 square kilometers. Thin-layer photovoltaic modules are used.