Ban plastic bags in Ukraine, details from KARBON CNS

Ban plastic bags in Ukraine

Ban plastic bags in Ukraine

In the present day, a ban on plastic bags in Ukraine is a critical problem that is directly related the ecology. Over the past decade in our country, work has been actively carried out both on behalf of scientists and volunteers on the subject of the fact that the disposal of plastic including plastic bags causes irreparable harm to the environment.

In the present day, a ban on plastic bags in Ukraine is a critical problem that is directly related the ecology. Over the past decade in our country, work has been actively carried out both on behalf of scientists and volunteers on the subject of the fact that the disposal of plastic including plastic bags causes irreparable harm to the environment.

At the same time, the practice of other countries that is being widely introduced everywhere: for example, today 33 countries have banned plastic bags at the government level and 53 countries have imposed strict restrictions related specifically to the materials from which bags can be made.

In Ukraine, also important changes will have to be introduced in 2022. This is exactly what is said in the bill No. 2051-1 that was approved by 365 deputies of the Verkhovna Rada at the first reading. Of course, it is not about the complete withdrawal of plastic bags from the sale as this path is quite long.

At the moment, it is known that the restrictions will not apply to plastic packaging materials with the following parameters:

  • made from biodegradable raw materials;
  • bags made of ultra-thin plastic (disposable) the width of which does not exceed 225 mm, with no side folds;
  • packages whose depth, together with the side folds, does not exceed 345 mm;
  • packages whose height does not exceed 450 mm taking into account the height of the handles.

Also from January 1, 2022, this bill implies a complete ban on the use and sale of packages made from oxo-degradable raw materials. In addition, manufacturers of biodegradable bags will have to label their products in accordance with the GOST requirements.

As for the use of plastic bags specifically in the food industry, as well as in the transportation of a certain type of product, in this case, the exceptions include: fish and seafood, meat and poultry of all varieties, products offered for sale by weight, and some other goods in accordance with specified list.

In general, even today we can say that such an innovation concerning the ban on the use of plastic bags is one of the first, but fairly confident steps made by the Ukrainian government towards addressing the global environmental problem. But the success of the result since the launch of the law depends on each of us.

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