Cable installation at height - КАРБОН КНС - професійні послуги із будівництва сонячних електростанцій

Cable installation at height

Cable installation at height

KARBON CNS - a professional cable installation at a height

Photo Монтаж кабеля на высоте

KARBON CNS provides a cable installation service at a height, the price of which depends on the complexity and volume of work. The power grid is necessary for connecting video cameras, providing outdoor illumination for buildings, and billboards. The quality of installation directly affects the smooth operation of the equipment available on the facility. Using the services of the company’s professionals, you will avoid problems with power failures.

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Before performing work, specialists take into account:

  • Facility specifications for the right choice of material.
  • The need to protect the cable by using special boxes or pipes.
  • Strength and reliability of fasteners.

When installing the cable, its sagging or over tensioning is not admissible. The company’s professionals perform their work on time.

Cable installation at height — the cost of work and the pricing mechanisms

When installing the cable at a height, the price depends on the technology used, materials, and fasteners. The cost is also affected by the need to prepare the foundation, the complexity and volume of work. Contact our company’s professionals, and they will perform the task at the highest level.